Of Sheepdogs and Men

I recently was invited to be a panelist on the Primary & Secondary Modcast, my first appearance, and we had a discussion around the concept of the Sheepdog mindset. It was an interesting conversation, to say the least. https://youtu.be/_gY_eM02H6U?si=Iqsm2uNlQ8EjEbeC The concept of the Sheepdog Mindset started with an essay by Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman. The … Continue reading Of Sheepdogs and Men

Unsocially yours

I am a Facebook felon, there I said it. My crime... being blunt, with a prior. Facebook has been around for more than a decade now. I recall writing a filler article on it in the late 2000s for the monthly newsletter of the Sons of Norway lodge I belonged to then. The service was … Continue reading Unsocially yours